Wednesday 26 May 2010

Oxford Utd friendly confirmed

Livingston FC has received confirmation this morning that newly promoted Oxford Utd will visit the Braidwood Motor Company Stadium on Tuesday July 20th.

Pay at the gate prices will be £8 and £4 and the match kicks off at 7.30pm.

"As a result of, at this stage, not being in a position to confirm a date for the Burnley fixture (getting agreeable dates to suit both parties is proving to be very difficult) we will offer free entry to Club Members for this match in place of the Burnley game" commented Livi Chief Executive Ged Nixon.

"To clarify, the offer is open to season ticket holders from season 2009/10 who renew for season 2010/11 prior to the deadline for renewal of May 31st.This honours a commitment to supporters who bought into the club last year and again for this season coming. 

"For Club Members looking to take advantage of this, they should be advised that entry to the match will be by separately issued ticket which will be available for collection nearer the time. Further details will be confirmed in due course."